About The Founder

My name is John Eitel. www.johneitel.com and www.italplaceofreasoning.com I am a semi retired business professional that has been the President/CEO of a couple of small but global companies. I have been coming to Jamaica for many years for business and now winter there after my Wife passed away in 2011.

The Learning Center was founded three years ago with a small group of Co Founders who visit Negril every year and have come to love the people as well. We are all retired individuals mostly on fixed incomes at this place in our lives.

It is my hope that something in this presentation or your own personal experience with Jamaica will move you to help out as much as you are able. We are a humble organization with the sole purpose to inform and rationalize life as it is in a Developing Nation like Jamaica.

The people love their country and want to love their lives in their beloved Jamaica. These new Understandings will go a long way to provide a forum where grievances are aired and dealt with while we reason together.

This is about coming to grips with the reality that we all live in the Moment; and whatever is in that moment … is definable … and malleable. I am not naïve enough to believe that this little Gathering Place will turn the Jamaican Culture around. It is not intended to do that.

Besides, I like Jamaica the way it is. But, it is intended to change/improve the lives of those who come to The Ital Place of Reasoning Limited. I hope they will be many.

John Eitel - Founder and Executive Director